The Other Side Reviewstrack of the day

Track of the Day: Maria Weissman – The Poet (2024)

Blending various genres in a boundary-breaking rush of eclecticism, Maria Weissman travels across musical styles plucking hints of different sounds and then weaving it in a brilliant sonic tapestry. While her obscure songs already place Weissman as a notable artist, her rich vocals glide along with moving engagement, skin-tingling beauty, and elegant execution of profound themes. We came across the US-based singer-songwriter in 2022 with her EP Bad; today, we leap into her latest single, ‘The Poet’.

The first release from Weissman in two years, one might consider this a return to the music scene but, honestly, it feels she never left our side. Honing a sound that is off-kilter but refreshingly comfortable, ‘The Poet’ is flecked with alternative pop elements, shimmering soul in the back, but an overall rush of warmth that isn’t definable. In an acoustic piano-driven ballad, Weissman places classical precision in the arrangement; however, a lilt of comforting vagueness exudes in the intricate melody.

For me, pianos can be haunting but simultaneously divulge a powerful sense of bliss and hope in the darkest of tunes. ‘The Poet’ isn’t necessarily dark, but it is weighty with raw emotion captured as a fragile delicacy amidst full-bodied charm. Interestingly, it is this merging of darkness and light that grips at your heart, makes you smile and encapsulates the unique theme of love in ‘The Poet’.

A collaboration with her grandfather Norman Weissman, who is sadly no longer with us, ‘The Poet’ was released, the track is a “snapshot in time”, forever encasing the connection of art, legacy and lineage in a beautiful masterpiece. Maria Weissman explains:

“…Art, and music, and writing, all creative endeavours really, are these bits of beauty sometimes providing you with recognition and compensation, sometimes just disregard and debut, but always… they are really just placeholders and rough approximations for the love and connection we all so universally value. Special and beautiful but, ultimately, absolutely nothing in comparison to a warm hug from the person behind the inspiration…”

Find out more about Maria Weissman on her official website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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