Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Jonathan Baxter – SwanS (2024)

Music is far more than some guitar riffs woven into rich vocals with drums bringing up the rear for Jonathan Baxter. No, it is “about expression, challenge, and the perpetual pursuit of emotional rush…”, much more than simple entertainment. A creative solace and pure representation of humanity at its best and worst, Baxter’s music heads to the place where language no longer explains anything; it’s just music and nothing else. After performing with bands, the Irish singer-songwriter embraces a solo project with his debut single ‘SwanS’.

I love listening to debut singles, to discover something from the beginning and walk along the sonic road waiting for the twists to come along. Without anything to compare ‘SwanS’ to, or rather without any previous songs to illustrate a specific sound, this single begins Baxter’s solo journey. I find it particularly amusing that the track was recorded and produced at Belfast’s Start Together Studios – I mean, it’s “start together” *insert big cheesy grin here*

Co-produced by Baxter, Darragh Tibbs, and Ryan McGroarty, with mastering by Robin Schmidt, ‘SwanS’ joins elements of grunge, post-punk, alternative rock and indie-rock in a kaleidoscopic rush of sound. Pushing the rock genre to almost bursting with an unconventional eclecticism, ‘SwanS’ matches pounding drums, a bold bass, twinkling keyboards and soaring guitar – all joined as a harmonic symphony but with prominent individuality.

For me, the distorted arrangement of ‘SwanS’ is slightly uncomfortable. Like swimming through a turbulent ocean searching for the optimistic beacon of light. Baxter’s vocals bind the song like a golden thread; however, just as they are confident, a crack of vulnerability leaves everything confused… in a good way, though.

I might not consider the track sincere or sentimental in its disarrayed execution, but there is something astounding to navigate the cracked chaos. An emerging artist on the Irish music scene, ‘SwanS’ proves Baxter’s uniqueness setting him apart as extraordinary. My one concern is that ‘SwanS’ might not be bettered by further releases. Is this his peak? Considering I’m still reeling from the track, that’s rather unlikely. I am eager for more from Jonathan Baxter and highly recommend him to everyone.

Find out more about Jonathan Baxter on his official website, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

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