
A Chat with FOLD (15.06.24)

With a passion for grunge music, Germany-based band FOLD is eager to keep the angsty sounds of 90s grunge rushing through the 21st-century music scene. Binding powerful guitar lines with crashing drums and memorable vocals, FOLD’s sound is insatiable. We speak with the group about their debut album At The End Of The Sun, a grunge revival, the “back in my day” comments, and upcoming plans.

OSR: How did FOLD come about? What made you decide on the band name?

FOLD: The formation of FOLD was a rather long process. Stephan and Michael are friends in private life, and David and Michael have known each other since their teenage years when they played in bands that were friends. Our small town had a very active music scene in the 90s, with numerous metal, grunge, and punk bands. Dirk, on the other hand, was an acquaintance of David’s, also heavily influenced by grunge music, making him the perfect fit for the drums.

Over the last three years, songs were written together in various constellations, interrupted by events like the pandemic or family changes. This process finally led to a very harmonious band structure by the end of 2023. The band name also went through a lengthy process. Initially, we thought of the name “unmute.” However, since there was already a band with a similar name and music style, we shifted towards “unfold,” which eventually became “FOLD.”

Given that the band members often make ironic jokes about their age, FOLD could also simply stand for “Fxxxxx Old.”

OSR: At The End Of The Sun is your debut album. What can you tell us about it? Is there a core concept or backstory?

FOLD: Our album doesn’t follow a concept in the traditional sense of a concept album. Once about two-thirds of the songs displayed a clear sound direction, we rearranged some tracks to create a cohesive sound for the entire album. The title At The End Of The Sun was decided relatively early. It was initially an acoustic ballad that stood out from the rest of the material due to its sound. Lyrically, it is probably the most personal piece on our album. Although it might appear to be a sad love song, it deals more with the theme of saying goodbye to a loved one, serving as a piece of grief processing.

OSR: Why did you choose to release an album as your debut instead of a single?

FOLD: We had already released some of the pieces on popular streaming platforms. Since we have access to a recording studio at any time, recordings happen directly after the songwriting process, sometimes even as part of it. Therefore, it made sense to produce a complete album right away.

OSR: What were the most exciting and most challenging parts of creating At The End Of The Sun, from writing to production?

FOLD: Looking back, the most exciting moment was probably when we recorded the first song ‘Part Of The Left Behind’. It was the first time we consciously realized, thanks to positive feedback, the potential of the song. The most challenging part of the entire process was certainly reaching a point where a song is truly finished without falling into endless changes in details.

OSR: Which do you find more challenging: melody or lyrics?

FOLD: Definitely the melody. Michael wrote all the lyrics, which usually came quickly to him. However, working out vocal melodies was a long process for some songs, especially those heavily riff-based.

OSR: I read an article about the lack of a grunge revival in the 21st century. Opinions say that even if grunge music is about, it seems to fall by the wayside of other emo, angsty songs in rock, indie and pop scenes. As a grunge band, reminiscent of 90s grunge, do you think a grunge revival is possible and is it needed? Will we ever have another Nirvana?

FOLD: Oh, that’s a tough question. Without generalizing, we perceive a high degree of conformity among today’s youth in terms of identity formation. Influenced heavily by social media, many young people seem to try to adopt a propagated image of themselves. For us, grunge in our youth was a way to stand out. Today, many seem to strive to be alike, especially in appearance.

As for music, rock in general plays a minor role in today’s youth culture. A resurgence of grunge seems unlikely at the moment. However, trends often move in waves, so a musical counter-movement like grunge might emerge again in a few years. But given the strong media influence, it’s unlikely there will be another band like Nirvana.

OSR: Being part of the “older generation” do you ever have the “back in my day” comments? I believe that things were far simpler before iPhones back in my day, what comments have you made? 😊

FOLD: We often say, “I’m so glad I grew up in the 90s.” The absence of cell phones meant a greater degree of direct, personal interaction. On the other hand, technology offers different possibilities for musical reach. For example, in early 2023, we received a lot of positive feedback from Asia for the pre-release of ‘Part Of The Left Behind’, as the song was listed on several playlists there.

OSR: If you were to introduce a new listener to your music, which track would you recommend?

FOLD: ‘Part Of The Left Behind’ is certainly a good representative of FOLD’s sound. That’s why it’s at the beginning of the album.

OSR: Even though FOLD is a grunge band, as individuals has your taste in music changed since your youth?

FOLD: Probably not significantly; otherwise, we wouldn’t be playing in a grunge band together. Our musical influences back then included not just grunge but also rock, metal, punk, and hardcore. There are certainly other music genres that have individually influenced us, ranging from electronic pieces and trip-hop to old rock and pop classics, and even some newer bands like Royal Blood.

OSR: When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

FOLD: A really funny moment was when Michael, with a completely serious expression, presented Stefan with lyrics that one might expect from an 80s glam metal band like WASP. Michael explained to Stephan that we should try something different lyrically. When reading the lyrics, Stephan completely lost it and repeatedly said he couldn’t and wouldn’t sing those lyrics. When the joke was revealed, Stephan’s expression was priceless.

OSR: What can we expect from FOLD in the future?

FOLD: After our album release party in early July, we’ll take a six-week summer break. Then, in the fall, we have several regional concerts in smaller clubs. At the same time, we’ll start recording for our next album, as we already have a lot of new material. Maybe there will be another FOLD album in 2025.

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?


Many thanks to FOLD for speaking with us. For more from FOLD, check out their Facebook and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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